Digital Pen and Paper

Pioneers in Digital Pen & Paper (DPP) technology Anoto Group, has just launched what it calls the Anoto Forms Solution.

This bundle which comprises hardware and software has been designed to electronically capture and transmit data entered on paper.

The Anoto Forms Solution package includes the first ever Anoto-branded digital pen, which records what is being written on to a form. However, the paper based form must be printed with the Anoto special dot pattern.

This data that is recorded onto the Anoto Digital Pen is then transmitted back to the PC or server via a docking station or a mobile phone.

The company hopes that this technology will dramatically reduce the administration time and paper work of staff working worldwide.

Digital pen and paper technology is not new to areas such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, logistics and the public sector. It has been effective in improving the productivity of staff and also helps to reduce costs.

The Anoto Forms Solution is available in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

Anoto Group is primarily targeting markets in the healthcare, finance and transportation sector for this technology.

Technology giants such as HP are yet in prototype stages with this very digital pen technology. In April this year, HP India had unveiled its vision for the future and showcased a prototype of a similar pen-like device which would capture data that was written on just about any surface. However, this technology is only expected to become widespread in another 5 or 6 years.

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