Friends, please help in blocking 'V Hate India' community on Orkut.
There are some people who have started a community 'V Hate India'. The main pic is of our national flag is in black n white...looking at that any Indian's blood should burn...We have to stop them.
If you can't do much, at least go to this community and click on "report as bogus", Orkut will remove that community after 1000 such reports. The link is given below:
Please pass this to all.
There are some people who have started a community 'V Hate India'. The main pic is of our national flag is in black n white...looking at that any Indian's blood should burn...We have to stop them.
If you can't do much, at least go to this community and click on "report as bogus", Orkut will remove that community after 1000 such reports. The link is given below:
Please pass this to all.