What does the '95' in 'Windows 95' mean?

16. The number of seconds before it crashes.

15. The number of ships for shipping it.

14. The number of minutes to 'kill' the hard drive.

13. The percentage turnover rate for staff.

12. The number of days until Gates tries to sell you a newer OS.

11. The 95 stands for average CPH : Crash Per Hour.

10. The required number of megabytes of RAM to run at useable speed.

9. The number of floppies it ships in.

8. The percentage of people who will have to upgrade their hardware.

7. The number of megabytes of hard disk space required.

6. The number of pages in the *EASY-INSTALL* version of the manual.

5. The number of minutes to install.

4. The number of calls to tech support before you can get it to run.

3. The number of people who will actually PAY for the upgrade.

2. The number of MHz required for the OS to run.

1. The year it was due to ship.

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