A transplant technique has been devised that could effectively remove men from the process of creating life. Scientists have grown human sperm cells from bone marrow. They say this may lead to groundbreaking treatment for thousands of men, including cancer patients left sterile by chemotherapy.

But the technique provoked an ethical storm and could soon be jettisoned by the Government over concerns about the safety of using artificial sperm. Critics said the treatment threatened to breach moral boundaries as it would effectively lead to men being made redundant. The technique, which could be adapted to help female infertility by growing eggs in a lab, would raise the prospect of children being born through entirely artificial means. If the technology were abused, men could be completely sidelined.
A forthcoming shake-up of Britain’s fertility laws could see ministers outlaw the use of labgrown sperm and eggs in IVF treatment - even in research. The scientists say it would be wrong to ban such a possibly life-altering treatment before its potential has been established.
Professor Karim Nayernia, of Newcastle University’s North-East England Stem Cell Institute, believes his work offers fresh hope to many of Britain’s 1.5 million infertile men. It centres around stem cells - blank cells which have the power to turn into other cell types, creating a ‘repair kit’ for the body. Removed from the human bone marrow, they were grown in a lab and then coaxed into turning into the cells which produce sperm. These particular cells did not go on to produce sperm but Professor Nayernia, who carried out the research while at the University of Gottingen in Germany, believes this will soon be possible.
Using a form of vitamin A, the scientists coaxed the mesenchymal cells to become primordial germ cells (PGCs) - the first stage in the genesis of sperm. Specific genetic markers showed that some PGCs had further developed into more advanced spermatagonial stem cells. Under normal circumstances, these cells eventually turn into mature, functional sperm that can fertilise an egg. About 3% of the original bone marrow stem cells were able to reach the point of being spermatagonial cells.
He has already shown that fully-functioning sperm can be created in a lab from stem cells drawn from mouse embryos. The artificial sperm fertilised eggs and seven baby mice were born. While they suffered health problems and died prematurely, the research published last summer was seen as an important milestone in the race to find a cure for infertility.
The latest research avoids the ethical problems associated with embryonic stem cells, by using cells taken from the bone marrow. Using a patient’s own cells also removes the possibility of lab-grown material being rejected by the body. So far Professor Nayernia, a professor of stem cell biology, has only created spermatagonial stem cells - the cells that produce sperm in the testes - from human bone marrow. However, adding other cells, called sertoli cells, which nurse and nourish those sperm-producing cells, could overcome this problem.
Professor Nayernia said: "We’re very excited about this discovery, particularly as our earlier work in mice suggests that we could develop this work even further. "Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatagonial stem cells to progress to mature sperm in the laboratory. This should take three to five years."
If successful, a first use for lab-grown sperm could be in young men left infertile by chemotherapy when children. The research - published in the journal Reproduction: Gamete Biology - could also provide a valuable insight into male infertility, a condition traditionally hard to study. For instance, it could lead to a ‘miracle pill’ to boost fertility.
However, there are fears that lab-grown eggs and sperm could be combined to create children through entirely artificial means. The technology could be used to allow gay couples to have children that are genetically their own.
The fertility White Paper argues that the use of lab-grown eggs and sperm would "raise profound new possibilities such as the possible creation of a child by combining the genetic material of two women".
However, a blanket ban on their use would mean the new technique could not be used to treat cancer patients and the infertile. Scientists would then find it difficult to get funding because their work will have no practical use.
Dr Allan Pacey, secretary of the British Fertility Society, said he could see no ethical reason for a blanket ban and any ban on safety grounds should only be made after all risks associated with any treatment have been determined.
But Mike Judge, of the Christian Institute, said: "The more that parenting moves away from sexual reproduction, the more ethical problems we encounter. "There are many things you can do in science, but just because you can do them doesn’t mean you must do them."
The Department of Health said plans to ban the use of artificial sperm and eggs in fertility treatment was supported by many organisations and the British Medical Association.

But the technique provoked an ethical storm and could soon be jettisoned by the Government over concerns about the safety of using artificial sperm. Critics said the treatment threatened to breach moral boundaries as it would effectively lead to men being made redundant. The technique, which could be adapted to help female infertility by growing eggs in a lab, would raise the prospect of children being born through entirely artificial means. If the technology were abused, men could be completely sidelined.
A forthcoming shake-up of Britain’s fertility laws could see ministers outlaw the use of labgrown sperm and eggs in IVF treatment - even in research. The scientists say it would be wrong to ban such a possibly life-altering treatment before its potential has been established.
Professor Karim Nayernia, of Newcastle University’s North-East England Stem Cell Institute, believes his work offers fresh hope to many of Britain’s 1.5 million infertile men. It centres around stem cells - blank cells which have the power to turn into other cell types, creating a ‘repair kit’ for the body. Removed from the human bone marrow, they were grown in a lab and then coaxed into turning into the cells which produce sperm. These particular cells did not go on to produce sperm but Professor Nayernia, who carried out the research while at the University of Gottingen in Germany, believes this will soon be possible.
Using a form of vitamin A, the scientists coaxed the mesenchymal cells to become primordial germ cells (PGCs) - the first stage in the genesis of sperm. Specific genetic markers showed that some PGCs had further developed into more advanced spermatagonial stem cells. Under normal circumstances, these cells eventually turn into mature, functional sperm that can fertilise an egg. About 3% of the original bone marrow stem cells were able to reach the point of being spermatagonial cells.
He has already shown that fully-functioning sperm can be created in a lab from stem cells drawn from mouse embryos. The artificial sperm fertilised eggs and seven baby mice were born. While they suffered health problems and died prematurely, the research published last summer was seen as an important milestone in the race to find a cure for infertility.
The latest research avoids the ethical problems associated with embryonic stem cells, by using cells taken from the bone marrow. Using a patient’s own cells also removes the possibility of lab-grown material being rejected by the body. So far Professor Nayernia, a professor of stem cell biology, has only created spermatagonial stem cells - the cells that produce sperm in the testes - from human bone marrow. However, adding other cells, called sertoli cells, which nurse and nourish those sperm-producing cells, could overcome this problem.
Professor Nayernia said: "We’re very excited about this discovery, particularly as our earlier work in mice suggests that we could develop this work even further. "Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatagonial stem cells to progress to mature sperm in the laboratory. This should take three to five years."
If successful, a first use for lab-grown sperm could be in young men left infertile by chemotherapy when children. The research - published in the journal Reproduction: Gamete Biology - could also provide a valuable insight into male infertility, a condition traditionally hard to study. For instance, it could lead to a ‘miracle pill’ to boost fertility.
However, there are fears that lab-grown eggs and sperm could be combined to create children through entirely artificial means. The technology could be used to allow gay couples to have children that are genetically their own.
The fertility White Paper argues that the use of lab-grown eggs and sperm would "raise profound new possibilities such as the possible creation of a child by combining the genetic material of two women".
However, a blanket ban on their use would mean the new technique could not be used to treat cancer patients and the infertile. Scientists would then find it difficult to get funding because their work will have no practical use.
Dr Allan Pacey, secretary of the British Fertility Society, said he could see no ethical reason for a blanket ban and any ban on safety grounds should only be made after all risks associated with any treatment have been determined.
But Mike Judge, of the Christian Institute, said: "The more that parenting moves away from sexual reproduction, the more ethical problems we encounter. "There are many things you can do in science, but just because you can do them doesn’t mean you must do them."
The Department of Health said plans to ban the use of artificial sperm and eggs in fertility treatment was supported by many organisations and the British Medical Association.